Gamification for my Sales Team. 

In your sales teams with gamification; 

• It can increase intra-team communication 

• It can make your corporate culture more known 

• It can increase employee engagement in your company 

• You can monitor sales performance and therefore increase your sales rates. 

1. How can you increase communication within the team with gamification? 

  • Adding questions and answers to your game plots that introduce each of your employees 
  • Creating tasks where each employee can show himself in the game with his name or photo. 
  • Using triggers that will allow your employees to comment or like each other in the game. 
  • Triggering the employees to actively use the Chat-box area in the game. 

2. How can you make your corporate culture more known with gamification? 

  • Sales teams; By giving transparent, understandable and clear goals, it makes it easier for employees to reach their goals, while creating a culture of trust for them with this openness and clarity. 
  • The company can see that the strategy and goals are clearly communicated and the achievements of the employees are appreciated while advancing to these goals. 
  • In addition to knowledge and goals, it also increases the employee’s commitment to the job and the institution by increasing both individual and team motivation with a fun and enjoyable game setup. 
  • Receiving fast, accurate and effective feedback, appreciating all achievements regardless of small or big, winning small prizes and creating team and company spirit. 

3. How can you increase employee engagement in your company with gamification? 

Recognition of not only the most successful sales teams, but also the whole team, and appreciating all contributions, even small ones, are very important in maintaining team integrity. 

Ignoring the other members of the team, who are in the 90% of the team, by prioritizing only the employees in the top 10% of the success, may reduce the sense of commitment of the employees in the 90% and lead to a decrease in their general motivation. 

For this reason, processes in which the entire team is appreciated and managed, regardless of the level of sales teams, increase both team success and company success. 

Getting to know your employees and making them feel that you follow them and their work is one of the effective ways to increase employee engagement with an effective work culture. 

4. How can you monitor sales performance and therefore increase your sales rates? 

1. Gamification Increases team and interpersonal collaboration 

Competitions, friendly competition, and the process of achieving goals in a fun story connect sales teams and strengthen their communication. With feedback, comments and instant communication tools, teams with strong social communication, high motivation and dedication to self-development emerge, which automatically enables to reach targets and increase sales figures. 

2 . Gamification Increases Participation 

Gamification with a delightful story can involve even your most disinterested salespeople. Contests, difficulty levels, badges and awards attract the attention of the teams and make it easier to focus on the target. 

3. Gamification Triggers Competition 

Competition is inherent in sales teams and is essential for them. A game strategy prepared for sales targets; Competitions and tournaments, challenges allow teams to join forces to win by increasing their friendly competition. With gamification, employees can discover their unaware talents or have the opportunity to show skills they could not show before. This competitive environment created by gamification will be a trigger that will enable everyone in your sales department to fulfill their duties. Therefore, both your team and your company will win as a result of the realized goals.